Image Credit: Doug Wells

Coeur d'Alene Presents Easter Play

Reflecting on this difficult past year, the Coeur d’Alene Adventist Church members decided to offer to their community a story of hope, love and grace.

On Easter Sabbath, members presented the play War in Heaven, edited and directed by member Giselle Schultz. The play depicts how both heaven and earth, light and darkness, endeavor to understand God’s plan to save His human creations from sin through incredible events in the universe and in the life of Jesus Christ. 

To follow pandemic guidelines, more space for audience members meant performing more plays. The actors presented the play three times throughout the day, allowing more than 300 people to experience the story of God’s extravagant gift of grace and His love for us. The event was also livestreamed for those who could not attend.

One attendee shared, “[it was an] exquisite representation and beautifully delivered message. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all.”

An online guest said, “I just want to let you know what an incredible blessing the church's Easter program was. I watched it live online and it was just wonderful. It had me in tears several times!”

God's presenece was felt. Several recommitted their desire to accept Jesus’ victory over sin, one asked for information about baptism and another asked to begin Bible studies.

The event also turned out to be a fellowship and bonding experience for the 50 people involved, including actors — 11 of whom were children — and support staff. This Easter play became a healing blessing for all involved following the months of COVID-19 separations. 

Church members look forward to offering this play again next year and opening their doors for even more people from their community to come and witness the greatest story ever shared.

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Featured in: July/August 2021
