Image Credit: Diane Haulman

Miracles Affirm God's School

At the beginning of this school year, Highland View Christian School in Butte, Montana, had five students. All year we’ve been praying for more students and boosting our advertising in Butte via different media. In the morning, we prayed with our students at each desk asking God to fill our school with new students.

In December, we lost a student due to relocation. On Feb. 2, 2021, we were notified that our school enrollment, as of Feb. 1, 2021, was four students, and we should look at our options. 

This was quite disheartening, but we knew God had a plan. Remembering previous miracles, we enlisted the prayers of people far and near.

God had already worked it out. On that first Wednesday in February, we received registration forms from parents asking when their children could start. Then another family came and then another. At our school board meeting on Feb. 10, the board accepted four new students. By March 1, God had doubled our enrollment!

We now have nine students at our school and about 14 prospective students for next year, with inquiries on the rise. With all of the interest being generated, we are planning on having two full-time teachers for the 2021–2022 school year.

We serve a big God, and there is so much power in prayer! HVCS is His school, and once again we work diligently while we wait to see if He will supply more students than we ask for. Please join us in prayer asking for 22 students next year. We serve a risen Savior, and we are waiting to see what God has planned for His school. We appreciate and thank all our supporters, locally and worldwide.  

Please pray for a continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit and protection for His school. We are fighting many satanic forces in Butte as Satan knows his time is running out. Yet it is awesome to see God at work. God is so much greater.

One of our students was baptized, and another student has asked the pastor for baptism. Two other students will also be studying with the pastor. Please pray for our pastor as the little children come and we continue to claim the promises of Jesus.

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