Ministerial Directors and Evangelists Gathered Once Again

The North Pacific Union sponsored a retreat August 1-4, 2021 for ministerial directors and evangelists. It was held at the Agate Beach Best Western in Newport, Oregon.

Because COVID-19 forced the cancelation of last year’s annual event, it was no great surprise when each invitee answered with a resounding, "In-person, please!" to the question, "Do you want to meet virtually or in-person.” Nothing replaces being together for true fellowship.

There was time for usual planning sessions and encouraging and challenging reports. But the most memorable times were when special guest speakers were sharing God’s word.

Elizabeth Talbot from the Jesus101 Biblical Institute shared her personal journey with God, highlighting special revelations of His character along the way. Insights into the story of Joseph and of his three robes — the robes of his calling, his suffering and his serving. These are robes we also wear. She also unpacked Psalm 23 which inspired many sermon ideas.

Pavel Goia, Ministry magazine editor, amazed us with stories about God’s ability to answer prayer. “Large prayers get large answers!”

Paul Dybdahl, Walla Walla University professor, shared with us his observations on how culture has affected our youth of today. Our work to retain them in God’s family is as challenging as it’s ever been.

Tim Roosenberg updated us on how current political events in the world line up with Daniel 11’s prophecies, reminding us of how close we are to Christ’s blessed return.

Alaska’s Steve Evenson led out in energetic song services, assisted by Oregon’s Chuck Burdeen on bass and Upper Columbia’s Eric Brown on guitar. Sometimes Lilah, Connor and Gavin Rudebaugh added their young talents.

César De León, NPUC ministerial director and his wife Carolann led out while Marella Rudebaugh, NPUC ministerial administrative assistant, carried out organizing and planning the event. All deserve kudos for doing such a great job.

Everyone left with a positive memory, rejuvenated and ready to return to areas of service. The physical fellowship while hearing God’s word with fellow brothers and sisters lifted hearts towards heaven in praise and renewed commitment to the mission of the church.

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Stan Hudson

North Pacific Union Conference creation ministries director