UCC Hispanic Ministry Trains New Leaders

The Upper Columbia Conference Hispanic ministry team initiated a small group planting training project. Weekly systematic trainings take place every Sabbath afternoon by video conference and in-person meetings. 

Additionally, each Friday morning the Hispanic pastors in the conference met to monitor, coordinate, evaluate and receive training for the proper implementation of the training process.

Program coordinators have developed seven levels of leadership to train leaders of small groups. Each leader has the opportunity to grow in their leadership. They have opportunity to grow and multiply their small groups through baptisms.

The first graduations began in March, 2021 in the Tri Cities district. The district is supported led by Pastor Isaiah Hernandez. Fifty-three leaders graduated in the white belt leader category, starting 9 new small groups.

The Wenatchee district held graduations next. Their graduation recognized eleven graduates and celebrated four new small groups. Pastor Marco Larumbe has done an extraordinary job recruiting and supervising Wenatchee area leaders. 

In April, 2021 the Othello, Mattawa and Royal City Hispanic churches graduated their leaders. Under the support and leadership of Pastor Roger, 23 leaders graduated. Eight groups have been activated under this intensive training in this district.

In the Walla Walla district, eight leaders graduated and five small groups were born. Pastor Jaime Flores has played a key role in the success of these new leaders and groups.

The Spokane Hispanic church has been working to build and train 18 leaders who have have started five new small groups.

In the Sunnyside district, 18 leaders graduated in 2020 and some of their groups are reactivating. 

The Brewster, Hermiston, Yakima and Central Valley districts are still in training very soon we will have leader graduations

To date, a total of 125 leaders have graduated from the small group leadership training. The UCC Hispanic ministry leaders said their dream is to prepare every Hispanic member to be a leader of a small group. 

By God’s grace and leading, what has started will continue!

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