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Community Connections Made in Richland

This year, by far, has been the most evangelistically challenging year ever for the Richland Church in Washington. 

With COVID-19 state-mandates and restrictions as well as the general unknown nature of it all, the pandemic had drastically affected our plans to advance the kingdom in our sphere of influence. 

But despite it all, God has been with us. We have had very few illnesses and no deaths. And even with all the difficulties, God blessed us with an online attendance for the first time as well as good in-person attendance.

Our leadership team is constantly praying about and considering creative ways to establish connections in our community so that we can help the unchurched of Richland experience Christ.

In 2021, we developed a new series based on life-changing encounters with God. We also did a full series on the life of Moses which allowed us to touch upon the historical background of the Hebrew faith as well as the ten commandments. 

Both series spanned a six-month period and featured 25 evangelistically-centered sermons and seminars focusing on life-changing encounters.

Even though COVID-19 has tried to take the wind out of our sails, we feel our efforts were a great success.

I am thrilled with how many members are actively involved with the community and how many new connections are being made every day. Although our attendance is down due to the pandemic, we still see a stream of new seekers coming through our doors. We have baptized four so far and we continue studying with many. 

God is unbelievably faithful.

I love the everyday evangelism and discipleship that is happening at the Richland church — both online and in-person — and I absolutely look forward to the proclamation evangelism series that harvests all the hard work each dedicated member has worked towards and prayed for. We are all so blessed and enriched by God’s great mercy to partner with us so together we can usher His soon return.

Until the nets are full!

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