Students' Snowy Potato Harvest Aids Charity

On Sept. 24, 2021, the entire student body from Amazing Grace Academy in Palmer, Alaska donned their coats and boots and helped harvest potatoes for Valley Blessings, a local charity organization. This year, the annual potato harvest happened during an early snowfall, which for many long-time residents, was the earliest snowfall in their recent memories.  

The morning began with worship and a reminder of the ways that Jesus served others — even by washing His disciple’s feet, which were undoubtedly dirty and smelly. Digging potatoes is also a dirty job, but it is a way that students can serve others in the community. 

It began five years ago when a local school family asked the Amazing Grace Academy students to join the volunteers who harvest their fields of potatoes each year. This annual service project has been a fun opportunity for the students to connect what they do to helping other people. 

Students, families and teachers look forward to this annual event. It's a fun opportunity to get outside, enjoy the fall weather and help local families in need. There's even a friendly competition to find the smallest, largest and most uniquely shaped potato, helping to make the event extra fun for the students. 

The day after AGA students helped to harvest, 100 community members came and finished the rest of the field. 

After the harvest, the potatoes are donated to a local charity that prepares and provides a Thanksgiving meal for over 1000 families. A part of that meal includes the potatoes harvested by the AGA students and community volunteers, reminding them their work is vital to so many. Following Jesus' example of serving others, this event brings a true sense of purpose to all who participate.

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Featured in: January/February 2022
