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Finding a Relationship with Jesus Through Volunteer Work

Diana was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but was feeling unsatisfied. 

Through her friendship with her neighbors, members of the Gold Beach Adventist Church, Diana had the chance to meet Lila, another member of the church. Lila introduced Diana to the church’s food pantry ministry. She began helping with food distribution and the soup kitchen program every Tuesday.

Conversations with Lila about the Bible inspired more interest in understanding the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She wanted to learn as much as she could about the Bible and her relationship with Jesus. In 2020, she did just that.

Spring of 2021, the church decided to restart the in-person Sabbath School Bible Study Hour after a full-year hiatus. Because several “unchurched” visitors were occasionally attending, it was agreed to launch the new Sabbath School as an evangelistic series. 

The series focused on prophecy and covered major Bible doctrines. Each week, the doctrines were presented as they relate to the major theme of salvation through Jesus. Meetings were hosted at church on the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths, and a flyer was printed and posted in different locations around town. Extra copies were also provided for church attendees to share with friends.

Diana came to these presentations along with several other church members and visitors, and in summer of 2021, she made her decision to be baptized. September 25, the day of her baptism, was a high Sabbath for all.

Bible studies continue with other interested people in Gold Beach, as the members there pray for more decisions for Christ.

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Featured in: July/August 2022
