Nome Pastoral Team Opens Hearts and Home

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost everything? For one mother in sub-arctic Alaska, this is exactly how she felt when her children had to be placed into a foster care home. Little did Pastor Chad and Elizabeth Angasan know that their paths would cross with this mother, and that lives would be changed and God would be glorified.

It began when the Angasans accepted a call to Nome, Alaska. They believed God had called them to “build His army” but did not have a clear vision of what that meant. The word “army” brings to mind a group of military personnel, extremely organized with ranks ranging from top to bottom, trained for war. What did God mean by all of this? 

Once settled into their new home, Elizabeth quickly connected with the Nome Children’s Home. Starting out as volunteers, Elizabeth later began full time employment at the home while Chad continued as a volunteer. The couple fell in love with the beautiful children that came through the home. It reminded them of the years they had spent in Togiak, Alaska, when God began filling their hearts with love to share with these precious souls. 

Over the next two years of pastoring the Nome district, Elizabeth and Chad witnessed kids come and go. Sadly, some children had to stay at the home on multiple occasions as their parents were unable to care for them. The home is a wonderful safe space for children that have experienced all forms of abuse. Yet those that have to stay for long periods of time begin to feel like no one wants them.

In June 2021 siblings, Josiah (12) and Jook Jook (2), arrived at the children’s home. Over the next seven months, the Angasans developed a special bond with the children while mentoring and sharing the love of Jesus. In January 2022, Chad and Elizabeth decided to foster the siblings and opened their home to provide a safe, stable atmosphere filled with hope and healing. 

The two boys are thriving in their new foster home with the Angasans. Chad and Elizabeth said it's been rewarding to be a part of letting God shine His love into the boys' lives. 

They especially enjoyed being part of a special time that happened during the Nome Arctic Camp Meeting in February. The boys' mother attended the meetings. Over the weekend, a time of healing and reconciliation between the children and their mother occurred.

The ultimate outcome from the time the family had together isn't known. But we can be certain God has good plans for both the Angasans, and their little family. He has promised hope and a future as it tells us in Jer. 29:11.

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Featured in: May/June 2022
