Image Credit: Gary McLain

OC Executive Committee Announces Retirements, Restructuring, and New Team Members

In early March, Stan and Gloria Beerman, long-time Oregon Conference employees, announced their upcoming retirements.

Stan has served as assistant to the president for five years. managing the pastoral assignment process, while bringing the wisdom of his ministerial experience to the administrative team. Before coming to the Oregon Conference admin team, Stan served as Ministerial director and pastor in Oregon.

Gloria has been a part of Oregon Conference Children’s Ministries for more than a decade, most recently serving as assistant director for the department and as Conference Adventurer director.

“The Oregon Conference has been immensely blessed by the ministry of the Beermans,” said Dan Linrud, conference president. “We wish them God’s abundant blessings as they make this transition into retirement.”

Stan will officially retire in May, while Gloria will finalize her retirement sometime later in June.

Anticipating these transitions, the Oregon Conference executive committee has moved to fill these vital roles. First, the committee voted to call Randy Hill, current associate director for youth ministries and Conference Pathfinder director, to fill the role of assistant to the president.

Hill will manage pastoral placements as well as Gladstone Camp Meeting preparation. He has already begun preparations for this summer's events. "I’m excited to serve, wherever I can be of service,” Hill said. “I’m looking forward to this new challenge."

With both Adventurer and Pathfinder director positions open, there was opportunity to adjust ministry departments. “When you look across the North American Division,” explained Linrud, “you see that Pathfinder and Adventurer ministries are many times directed by the same department.” Moving forward, Oregon Conference will do the same.

Daniel Ortega was invited to serve as associate director in the new Family & Children’s Ministries department, with his position being primarily focused on Pathfinder and Adventurer ministry. Ortega moved from the Oklahoma Conference in April, where he had been serving as Youth director and Communication director. His wife, Yesenia, and sons, Benjamin and Isaac, will follow when their school year is completed.

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Featured in: May/June 2022

