Image Credit: Jeannette Betlinski-Coleman

Tillamook Brightens Walls With Art

This school year, the Tillamook Adventist School seventh and eighth graders created artwork for a local micro-shelter. This gave residents of each shelter something special to hang on the wall as well as something to take with them when they move on.

Madisen, seventh grader, wrote the following poem that explains the project.

These art project that we all are making will be great for the tiny homes!

Our wonderful teacher Mrs. Clark decided for us upper graders to make art projects of places or animals that you would find in Tillamook or around the cost.

The reason that we are doing this is because the people that live in the tiny homes or are going to live in them don't have a lot to choose from.

Like decorations for example. And of course, if you live in a house, you would want decor to put around and just brighten up the mood and make it feel like your home.

We all are making one painting for the people to choose from. 

Us older kids are trying are best to make these people feel at home.

So why not do something nice and make beautiful paintings to brighten up their mood and their tiny home.

This is great because they will get to choose the one they want it would be way more fun for them that way!

The TAS students are having so much fun with this project. The TAS staff are so happy to know someone will appreciate their students just as much as they do. 

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