Forest Grove Shares One-Day VBS and More

The Forest Grove church has been blessed by many activities this year. Michael Bennett, musician from It Is Written, blessed the congregation with a concert on April 9, 2022. On April 16, a special Easter musical program featured Howard Handley, saxophonist; Loa Jordan, pianist; Josh Reyes, solo pianist, the church choir; Dennis Brookins, harmonica; Loretta Mix and Marla Danielson accordion duet; and many others who shared their talents to glorify God.

Kathy Parish held a one-day Easter themed Vacation Bible School program, attended by many children and parents. The VBS shared the story of Jesus triumphal entry, death, burial and resurrection.

These Sabbath services were followed with a special Easter dinner on Sunday, hosted by the social committee.

The following weekend Jaime Jorge, world-renowned violinist, blessed the church with his uplifting and inspiring music. May 15 brought the community and church members  together for their 40th plant-based cooking class. All enjoyed a delicious meal of tater-tot nachos, black bean mango/avocado salad and breakfast muffins with yogurt and fruit.

Edwin Noyes, a retired general practice doctor who focuses on preventative health practices, shared health tips protein in a vegetarian diet during a special presentation. There were also live demonstrations, door prizes, free recipes to take home and the book Ministry of Healing offered as a free gift.

May 22 brought women from the community and church together for a Tea Party. They enjoyed sweet fellowship, good food, music and fun. Monthly Friday evening vespers have been a blessing, welcoming the Sabbath hours with fellowship, a meal and music.

"The golden chain of love, binding the hearts of the believers in unity, in bonds of fellowship and love, and in oneness with Christ and the Father, makes the connection perfect and bears to the world a testimony of the power of Christianity that cannot be controverted ..." (Our High Calling, 173 Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow).

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Featured in: July/August 2022

