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Our world today is so full of noise, constant chatter and traffic that bombards us no matter where we seem to go. Distractions are so common that they are hardly seen as distractions anymore, rather common occurrences. An estimated 80% of drivers use their phone while driving. And that number is up 400% in recent years' polls. We are always going, always running around doing something. Often we don't stop to enjoy quiet time or listen to something besides the normal hustle and bustle of life.

God desires that we would find some quiet time to listen to Him. It is a fabulous idea but one we often struggle to fully embrace. To truly listen to God we have to put away other distractions, even good ones. We have to find some time to actually listen — not partially, but fully.

In scripture, we are told that Jesus had to go find a quiet place to pray. Even Jesus knew that He needed to find time to listen to God’s voice, to fill Himself with God’s presence and transforming power. As our example, Jesus tells us to do the same ourselves.

One of the most practical pictures of this is found in Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.” 

First, this verse tells us that Jesus is standing at the door of our hearts knocking. He is actively seeking us and giving us attention. I love the image of Jesus at the door, wanting us to respond. I imagine Him leaning in, listening to hear if we are walking towards the door. He is anxiously waiting to see if we will come to spend time with Him, but it is up to us to be listening for His knocking in our lives. We must be actively listening for His voice, for His transforming love and power. We must put away distractions and let our hearts be aware of His voice calling out for us. If we are truly listening for Him, we will respond by running to the door and throwing it open to let Him into our lives.

It is our job to be listening to Him. We can’t expect to know His voice if we haven’t heard it for a long time or have been too busy to really hear Him.

When we spend time in scripture and prayer, we learn what God’s voice sounds like. We learn how to put away distractions and really listen to Him, to let His love and salvation fill us. Then we can share with others the joy we have in knowing Him and His love for us. When we listen, when we experience God for ourselves we become powerful witnesses of how God has transformed us and how He wants to transform all people.

God speaks to us in ways that make sense to us as human beings. He understands us and wants to draw us to Himself through means that are real for us.

I’ve enjoyed getting to know God more deeply by looking at how He uses our spiritual senses to get our attention.

We can taste Him through testing Him. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Taste-test God in your life.

We can see God, focusing on Him in our lives as it says in Hebrews 12:2: "Fix your eyes upon Jesus."

We can hear God by listening to His voice and opening the door of our hearts to Him and His leading in our lives. Revelation 3:20 says, "I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in."

My prayer is that you will experience God on a very personal level, and continue, or begin, a life that is full of His transforming power.

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Featured in: July/August 2022



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