Vertical: 40 Days of Prayer Ends with Visioning Summit

The Vertical: 40 Days of Prayer initiative started at the beginning of September with the goal to pray for God’s vision in Upper Columbia Conference and beyond. The purpose of the prayer initiative was to encourage members and churches to dedicate themselves to prayer for 40 days, ending with a visioning summit where participants from across the conference could meet at Camp MiVoden to discuss the vision for Upper Columbia Conference. The summit was held Oct. 7–9.

“We thank God for the thousands who prayed daily for God’s vision for Upper Columbia Conference,” said David Jamieson, UCC president. 

Vertical: 40 Days of Prayer began prior to the Sept. 1 start date with an Equipping for Service event in Yakima, Washington. The program included a prayer supper on Sabbath evening with more than 130 participants. The following week featured a prayer Zoom with Ruthie Jacobsen, former prayer coordinator for the North American Division. The prayer zoom had more than 100 participants, as well as church prayer groups.

“We encouraged the members of Upper Columbia Conference to participate in all of the prayer Zooms for an inspiring hour, three times: before, during, and after the 40 days of prayer,” said Kathy Marson, UCC prayer ministries coordinator. “We praise God for the prayer time that thousands participated in over the Vertical: 40 Days of Prayer.”

On Sept. 19, more than 300 participants gathered from UCC and beyond for the second Vertical Prayer Zoom featuring Pavel Goia, Ministry magazine editory and General Conference associate ministerial secretary. 

The final Vertical Prayer Zoom featured Randy Maxwell, Washington Conference vice president for administration, on Oct. 6. The prayer meeting was timed to lead into the visioning weekend at Camp MiVoden.

“The Vertical Prayer Zooms really encouraged members to ask for God’s power throughout our conference churches, schools and homes while meeting together,” said Marson. “Now more than ever we need to be in prayer, giving God permission to use us and mold us to His purpose.” 

Members were selected from across the conference to attend at MiVoden for the weekend event, joining several pastors, conference directors, conference administration and members of UCC executive committee. While basing all sessions on a strong foundation of prayer, input was given on a wide range of topics concerning the conference and God’s vision for the future.

The discussions are currently being developed into concrete ideas that will inform the strategic planning process for the conference.

Jamieson is excited about the participation in the entire Vertical process and what it means for the future of the conference and its mission.

“The goal of the Vertical prayer initiative was to reach out to lost men and women and boys and girls for the kingdom of God,” Jamieson stated. “We must continue to seek out God’s vision continually.”

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Featured in: November/December 2022

