VIVE: Illuminating Lives With the Gospel

"Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs and won their confidence. Then He bade them, 'Follow me.'”1

No doubt, Christ's method is infallible and well known. The inevitable question is: Why do so many sincere sisters who wish to lead souls to Christ not do so? The answer may lie in the fact that many times they have not found the inspiration, the motivation and, above all, the adequate training to empower them to put it into practice. As Bill Hull said, "The most effective way to abort the future of enthusiastic believers is to inspire them and not train them."2

Every disciple knows they must testify of the love of Christ. However, it is easier to get involved in the mission when one is part of something that God is already doing and that one wishes to be a part of. VIVE was born in response to the need to mobilize the women in our churches in mission-focused witnessing.

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God” (2 Cor. 4:6).

VIVE is a personal evangelism plan which consists of inviting women to commit to sharing the Good News with a friend or relative, applying the method of Christ. Participating women are invested with a handkerchief and equipped with various tools which will aid them in progressing through a specific progression that will help them lead a friend to Jesus. Women are guided through the following suggested mission-focused, friendship steps:

  1. Pray intentionally for your friend.
  2. Call her to offer a listening ear.
  3. Text her hope-filled Bible verses or short biblical reflections.
  4. Give her something she needs; something useful for her, personally, or for her children or work etc., or share something you’ve prepared at home.
  5. Be ready to offer a Bible study to a friend who wants to learn more about Jesus.

To enrich the personal work of each sister, a fellowship activity called "Tea With Friends” is carried out monthly. At this tea gathering, sisters and their friends enjoy Christian camaraderie. They fellowship through conversations, food, gifts and shared testimonies. Special moments of prayer and a reflection on Scriptures is shared that points them to Jesus as the solution to their problems.

These teas are informal, spirit-led gatherings. At the end of each gathering, friends are invited to study the Bible. It is beautiful to see how through these gatherings, prejudices are destroyed, friendships are enriched and the love of Jesus is intentionally sown. 

This ministry has been a blessing for the local church because:

  • Fulfilling Christ’s mission revitalizes our spiritual lives.
  • Participating in a defined plan generates enthusiasm, expectation, motivation and unity.
  • Teamwork is promoted, there is a decrease in interpersonal conflicts and it brings joy to be a part of salvific miracles.
  • When our members get involved with activities that reach others, Christ’s mission is fulfilled, and we become relevant in our hurting communities.


[1] Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 143

[2] Bill Hull, The Shepherd Maker of Disciples, p. 137

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Featured in: November/December 2022

