Image Credit: Lori Ball

Propel Conference Empowers Church Leaders to Grow Their Ministries

On May 7–10, 2023, Adventist Community Church of Vancouver, Washington, hosted the first ever Propel Conference. The event featured workshops and keynote presentations targeted toward individuals and teams who want to grow their church.

North Pacific Union was represented by Bill McClendon, NPUC vice president for administration, who presented a keynote at the Sunday evening session, as well as Stan Hudson, NPUC creation ministries director, and César De León, NPUC vice president for Hispanic ministries, who both presented workshops during the week.

Larry Witzel, SermonView Evangelism Marketing president, shared that the event was a great way for people to learn how to better engage and support their communities. “Evangelism is a perishable skill. It’s a muscle that must be exercised regularly,” said Witzel. “This kind of event is intended to inspire and equip churches to do this effectively.”

Propel Conference gave attendees the opportunity to share what has and has not worked in their various community outreach ministries. Participants had encouraging discussions in the breakout rooms and offered insights to one another. “We need more opportunities like that to offer insight and encouragement to one another,” reflected Witzel.

The next annual Propel Conference will be held April 28–May 1, 2024. For more information and resources, visit

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Makena Horton

North Pacific Union assistant communication director and Gleaner managing editor