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Fair Booth Interest Leads to Evangelistic Outreach

Our church in Oak Harbor, Washington, rented a space along with other vendors and organizations to have a community events exhibit booth. We gave out a wide variety of books and magazines, as well as free water to anyone interested. Many people came by our booth and we had many good conversations as they took whatever literature appealed to them.

Julie was among those who stopped by our booth. She was very excited to see us and as she introduced herself, she told us that she had been an Adventist in the past.

Nina, one of our members manning the booth, gave Julie some literature and prayed with her. The weekend passed, life went on and we forgot about the many people we had met.

Almost six months later, Julie walked into our church. Very quickly, she let us know she was there to stay, and she wanted to be a part of our church family. Julie joined one of our Sabbath School classes as well as two of the many small group studies that we have available each week.

Julie was fitting into the church family as if she had been with us all along. When we began making plans for our 2023 fall series of evangelism meetings, Julie volunteered to be involved in any way she could be used.

We wanted to make the presentations available in Spanish to our growing Latino population. Julie informed us she had experience as a Spanish translator. When the meetings began, she translated for most of our 22 meetings. There were more than 20 Spanish-speaking friends who used the translating equipment on various evenings. Towards the end of the series, Julie informed Nina that she would like to be baptized.

We praise the Lord that He led Julie to our church family and that she has such a motivation to serve. Please pray for Julie and the many others who chose to follow Jesus during those meetings.

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