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A Savior in the Storm

Peter was one of Jesus’ close friends. He watched Jesus heal the sick, and He listened to all of Jesus’ teachings.

One day, after feeding the 5,000, Jesus told Peter and the disciples to cross the lake in a boat while He sent the people home and had alone time to pray.

During the night, the disciples on the boat were in the middle of the lake and it started to get stormy. The wind was blowing hard and big waves splashed against the boat.

In the darkness, the disciples saw a figure walking towards them. They were terrified because they thought it was a ghost.

It was Jesus walking on the water. He said to them, “It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Peter said, “Lord, if it’s really You, tell me to come to You on the water.”

Jesus invited Peter to join him. “Come,” He said.

Peter cautiously climbed out of the boat to test if he could really walk on the water. As he put his feet down, they miraculously stayed on top of the water. Peter started walking towards Jesus. He was amazed and couldn’t believe he was walking on water.

Walking further away from the boat, Peter’s excitement turned to fear as he suddenly remembered the storm. He could feel the strong wind on his face and the big waves splashing on his legs. Peter began to sink and called out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately, Jesus reached out and caught Peter. “Your faith is small,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt?”

Jesus invites you to walk with Him too, and He will help you do amazing things. We know Jesus’ power, but sometimes this world makes us afraid and doubtful. Jesus doesn’t get upset at us for getting scared or losing faith. Instead, Jesus catches us and pulls us out of the storm when we call on Him.

Oobleck Science Experiment

Oobleck is a strange substance between a solid and a liquid. If you punch it, it feels solid, but if you scoop some into your hand, it will soften and pour out like a liquid. In the story, the water was solid when Peter had faith in Jesus. But when Peter focused on the storm instead, he sank into the water. Play around with your oobleck while thinking of Peter’s experience and how you can grow your faith.

Tools and Ingredients

  • Container
  • Fork
  • 1 1/2 cups cornstarch
  • 3/4 cup water


  1. Combine cornstarch and water in a container. 

  2. Mix with a fork until well combined. If your oobleck seems too watery, add a little more cornstarch.

  3. Have fun playing with your oobleck!

Finished With This Experiment?

Use a funnel to pour the oobleck into a balloon to make a mini stress ball. Make sure there’s no air in the balloon before tying it tight.

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Featured in: May/June 2024



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