Image Credit: Kaleb Eisele

Davis Announces Departure from Oregon Conference

In late March 2024, Eric Davis, Oregon Conference vice president for finance, announced his departure. In his time with the administrative team, his leadership has been invaluable in identifying the need for significant financial adjustments and helping the conference begin navigating the path toward stabilization. 

It will take some time to fully achieve the goal, but many of the difficult but necessary changes to reach a balanced budget are underway thanks to Davis’ astute financial guidance. 

“I’m grateful for the experience and relationships my family has formed across Oregon Conference, and I now feel God is calling us to new opportunities,” shared Davis. “I thank the conference administrative team for placing confidence in me to help chart a course toward improved fiscal health for the conference going forward. I also embrace this opportunity to prioritize spending more time with my wife and young son.”

Davis committed to certain key tasks before his April 11 departure, including:

  • Ensuring each department received its finalized 2024 budget statement and setting into motion a regular process of providing these statements to directors.
  • Assisting the treasury team with finalizing the 2023 financial statements.
  • Beginning work with the treasury team on a cash flow plan for 2024.

“Oregon Conference has truly been blessed by Davis’ contributions during this financially challenging period. He has provided tremendous leadership to our administrative team under God’s guidance. We also are grateful for the vital projects he will complete before moving on,” said Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference president. “Davis has been a wonderful part of our administrative team and a joy to serve with.”

The search for a new vice president for finance began immediately. Oregon Conference bylaws require that a recommendation for a treasurer/vice president for finance be brought to a joint nominating committee and executive committee to be elected for the remainder of the current five-year term.  

In the interim, treasury functions will be maintained by the present treasury team with support from North Pacific Union.

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Featured in: July/August 2024

