Milo Food Service Director Wins Hero Award Every great production or establishment has individuals behind the scenes assisting in ways that are immeasurable to the project as a whole. Unfortunately, these people often aren’t recognized for the heroic efforts donated to helping the project ... Read more
Springfield Church Holds Lay Evangelistic Seminar and Classes Lay people from many walks of life worked together in October to present an evangelistic effort at the Springfield (Ore.) Church.Joe Bovee, a shipper by trade, answered the call to organize and lead a local lay evangelistic effort in the Springfie... Read more
India Receives Springfield Members The Springfield (Ore.) Church had a special service in October to ask God’s blessing on lay workers preparing to work for Christ, including a group heading to India. Church-sponsored fund-raisers and private donations added to the lay workers' own... Read more
T-shirts Share Gospel While many schools have difficulty regulating objectionable and offensive slogans and mottos on T-shirts worn by their students, Portland Adventist Academy wishes that more of their students would emulate the slogans worn by student Jon Schaffer—s... Read more
Wish Comes True for Gaston Teen When Rebekah Walsh, a Laurelwood Academy junior, walked into Doernbecher Children's Hospital on May 13, 2003, she didn't realize she would be leaving months later, confined to a wheelchair. She was admitted just a few days before her 17th birthday... Read more
Unique CAA Student Paraphrases Lord's Prayer Vera Gerega may look like any other Columbia Adventist Academy (CAA) student, but her journey to the academy began a world away. Born in Belise, Moldova, she and her family moved to Springfield, Mass., when she was two for more freedom, specifical... Read more
Milo Students Give Life at Annual Student Association Blood Drive The Red Cross Bloodmobile pulled across the covered bridge on Nov. 12, 2003, to collect blood from brave Milo staff and students age 17 and older. Every 15 minutes throughout the day, two or three students or faculty made their way to the student ... Read more
Oregon Missionaries Build, Heal and Minister in Baja Under the guidance of veteran Baja travelers Dan and Becky Hershberg, Oregon Conference constituents journeyed to San Quintin, Baja California, for a two-week mission trip in November 2003. The 37-member group included 15 Laurelwood Academy studen... Read more
Code Blue: Meadow Glade Science Goes Real-World "Pardon me, but I have to report back to my medical clinic on the latest advances in orthopedic research and development, and I was wondering what you had found in your research," says a young lady holding a clipboard and sporting a medical identi... Read more