Baptism Transforms Goth to GLOW It's been a long and winding road home for Michelle Willis.Raised an Adventist, Willis was drawn as a teenager into the Goth subculture, a term most often associated with moods of morbidity and darkness. She adopted many aspects of the Goth lifest... Read more
Evangelism Becomes a Habit at GSAA Evangelism is becoming a habit at Gem State Adventist Academy, in Caldwell, Idaho. Last year, students held a three-week series with ASI Youth for Jesus at the academy. This year, they presented a shorter series at the Meridian (Idaho) Adventist C... Read more
Pacific Press Celebrates 25 Years in Idaho On Dec. 7, 1984, the last truck left Pacific Press Publishing Association bound for its new home in Nampa, Idaho, and the doors of the Press in Mountain View, Calif., were officially closed. Twenty-five years later, employees and retirees gathered... Read more
Gem State Student Speaks Out for Christ I paused, my eyes dancing and my hands in the air, mid-motion. The children leaned forward eagerly awaiting the answer to my question. As speaker for the Sept.14–18, 2009, Week of Prayer at Caldwell (Idaho) Adventist Elementary School, I was enjoy... Read more
Middleton Church Celebrates Baptisms in New Building On Nov. 21, 2009, the Middleton (Idaho) Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated its first baptism in their new building. Alvin Schnell, head elder, baptized Charles and Frances Cortez. He also baptized his son-in-law, David Robertson.Special guest... Read more
Adventists from Eastern Idaho Serve Up Dinner On Nov. 10, 2009, Seventh-day Adventists from the Idaho Falls and Pocatello (Idaho) churches teamed up to expand their reach into the Blackfoot community by providing and serving a meal at the Community Dinner Table. The CDT is held weekly from la... Read more
!MAKING POVERTY HISTORY! On Sunday Oct. 18, Nampa (Idaho) Church members joined the rest of Canyon county's CROP walk walkers.Church World Service asks for local walkers and for people to sponsor a walker to fight local and world hunger. The collected donations are split ... Read more
Pocatello Pathfinders Blast Off "Five, four, three, two, one, BLAST OFF!" shouted the members of the newly-formed Pathfinder Club from Pocatello, Idaho. Model rocketry is just one of the honors members of the Pocatello Falcons have been working on since their first meeting in Se... Read more
Salmon Adventist Church Unlocks Revelation The Salmon (Idaho) Church recently finished a series of meetings with Richard Halversen titled Unlocking the Puzzle of Revelation. Ten people made a decision to be baptized and two were re-baptized. Read more