Central Valley Puts the Fun in Fundraising What better way to enjoy a blustery fall evening than by spending it in the gym of Central Valley Christian School in Tangent, Ore.? That is what many people in the Central Valley community decided to do on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018. The school host... Read more
In Their Shoes Fifty teenagers squirmed nervously in their seats. Something was different, but none of them could put their finger on it just yet. Their adult leaders were being purposely vague about the events about to take place. The teens knew just one thing:... Read more
Falls City Celebrates Baptism Virginia Elaine Webb was baptized Oct. 6, 2018, in the Falls City Church by Lary Brown, pastor. It was a very special day, as her 95-year-old mother, who had prayed for her all her life and was from the Palmer (Alaska) Church, was present along wi... Read more
PAA Students Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Students enrolled in Spanish classes at Oregon’s Portland Adventist Academy (PAA) celebrated Hispanic Heritage and Cultures Month (mid-September through mid-October) through events, contests and special cultural experiences supported by the school... Read more
Women Gather in Redmond for Retreat Women from the Northwest attended the Oregon Christian Women’s Retreat Oct. 12–14, 2018, at Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond, Ore. Read more
Riverside Christian School Hosts 28th Annual Apple Festival The 28th annual Riverside Christian School Apple Festival was held in Washougal, Wash., on Oct. 14, 2018. As in the years past, church and school volunteers spent two Sundays making apple pies and apple dumplings. They made and froze more than 450... Read more
Milo Creates Project Blessed Hope Tragedy struck the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Nov. 5, 2017. Twenty-six people were killed and 20 injured in a church shooting. The news spread like wildfire and soon reached a little Adventist boarding academy in Days Creek... Read more
Big Lake Gets Blessed by U.S. Marines One hot afternoon last summer a couple of U.S. Marines showed up at the front gate of Big Lake Youth Camp in Sisters, Ore., with a request: “Our platoon is working on a project over at Fish Lake this month. The team is hot and tired. Is there any ... Read more
Oregon Conference Requests GC Adherence to Tithe Policy A letter sent October 2, 2018, to the General Conference (GC) by the Oregon Conference requests that world church leadership adhere to approved policy regarding tithe funds returned directly to the GC. The letter from Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference... Read more