Columbia Adventist Academy Pursues Full-Time Philanthropy One of Webster’s definitions of philanthropy is “the desire to promote the welfare of others.” And that makes the activities of this past fall at Columbia Adventist Academy (CAA) in Battle Ground, Wash., a full-time philanthropic endeavor.One focu... Read more
Coquille Church Participates in Operation Christmas Child Project Operation Christmas Child is a worldwide children's project that uses simple gift-filled shoeboxes containing school supplies, toys, necessities and notes of encouragement to let hurting children know God loves them.For the second year, Darwin Kni... Read more
Sonshine Christian School Adopts, Cleans Park When Florence, Ore., opened the adoption process this summer for people and organizations to take on responsibility for cleaning and maintaining local parks, Sonshine Christian School responded, requesting “ownership” of Singing Pines Park's playg... Read more
Cottage Grove Churches Distribute School Supplies The Party in the Park, held Aug. 24, 2013, in Cottage Grove’s Coiner Park, brought together the local Adventist church and other area churches to distribute free school supplies and clothing to those in need. This much-anticipated annual event b... Read more
Grants Pass Hosts CHIP Program The first Sunday of most months, the Grants Pass CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) hosts an educational program. Classes have included everything from bread-making to the basics of gardening and holiday recipes. November’s program, held o... Read more
Grants Pass Adventist School Enjoys Active Autumn Everything accomplished by students and staff at the Grants Pass Adventist School this year is keeping to the theme of love. Students are focused on Bible verses on kindness, gentleness and respect — loving one another as Jesus expects. Chapel tim... Read more
Milo Student Chaplains Ignite Passion for Jesus At Milo Adventist Academy in Days Creek, Ore., student chaplains are charged with igniting a passion for Jesus on campus, which is no small task. They are doing the work of God in and among the students and staff. Read more
Prineville Answers Call to Cowboy Church “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Doesn’t this sound familiar? The Prineville Church received a similar request from Phil and Lavern Moerschell, owners of the Post Ranch, in May 2012. Lavern had just transferred her membership to the Prinevill... Read more
Roseburg Celebrates Spirit Week Roseburg Junior Academy (RJA) has celebrated school spirit with a spirit week for the past 20 years. This year, however, the RJA staff were inspired to turn the fun into more than just dressing differently or doing artistic hairdos. Because of the... Read more