Trike-a-Thon Raises Money for Kids With Cancer

Kids were helping kids as the children of Eagle Adventist Christian Preschool completed a Trike-a-Thon to raise money for St. Jude Children's Hospital. April 16 was a beautiful sunny day. Fourteen preschoolers made 296 trips around the Eagle Church totalling 29.6 miles. One child completed 50 laps — 5 miles — himself. The group raised more than $475.

Children of all ages face cancer, which is scary. While none of these Eagle preschool children have experienced cancer personally, some of them know a friend or family member who is going through it. Doing the Trike-a-Thon gave them a way to help other children. It makes cancer not so scary because there is something each of them can do.

In addition to helping others, the children learned about bike/trike safety. They each had a coloring book with the safety rules they needed to learn. The preschoolers had previously been learning about nutrition and good health. Maybe that's why they were able to go so far!

You don't have to be in grade school or academy or be an adult to make a difference in someone's life. These preschoolers have proved they are willing to take on the scary and do something to help.

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Featured in: June 2015


Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference communication director