Gladstone Park Hosts 'Hometown Nazareth'

A Vacation Bible School called "Hometown Nazareth, Where Jesus Was a KID" was presented by the Gladstone Park Church for youngsters ages 6–11 every morning of June 22–26. Forty-one kids showed up for registration.

Each child was given a colored cord and sent to one of four tribes: Gad, Levi, Naphtali and Simeon. “I have been coming to VBS since I was 6, and now I am 14," says Josh Reynolds. "I plan to keep helping out through high school.”

Community member Alona Shilokov says, “I brought my four little children because one of your members invited me.”

Renee Huey, VBS coordinator, and her husband, Devon, as her assistant, led out and told the kids how Jesus lived as a boy singing, walking, going to church and being a family member. After the children got acquainted, they visited the marketplace and got hands-on experience with synagogue school coin purses, a carpenter shop, musical instruments, rocks, picture frames, food and games.

Mary’s house was visited each day by the children. Mary was played by Tammy Burville as she converted Abby Azrak. One the first day, an angel tells Mary she is going to have a baby. On days two and three, Jesus is born and the shepherds, Simeon and Anna visit. Shepherds Simeon and Anna visit. Jesus left the temple on the fourth day of VBS and then returned, portrayed by Dan Patchin, on the fifth day.

“For my first year everything went really well," reports Renee Huey. "I had lots of support from my parents from Rivergate [Adventist Elementary] and from our church family. And the kids had a fabulous time as did the parents and staff. We are looking forward to next year, to Joseph and Egypt.”

The VBS team presented a slide show of their adventures for the children's story on Sabbath, June 27.

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Featured in: October 2015
