Salmon Church Has New Look

Members of the Salmon Church in Salmon, Idaho, have, over the last couple years, given their 65-year-old church building a face-lift.

The old windows over the entry doors were first replaced with three stained-glass windows. The large center window portrays the foundational message of the church in the Three Angels’ Messages. A smaller window to the right shows the form of a white dove representing the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the small window to the left is the new church logo. Stained-glass artist Ileen Barnett, who lives in Salmon, donated her time in creating the windows.

The church was painted inside, and new energy-efficient windows were installed, each with a sliding window at the bottom for fresh air and ventilation. Interior designer Paula Hackathorn worked with the design committee to select new blinds for the windows and choose the new carpet for the foyer, mother’s room and sanctuary. New tile was also installed in the foyer in front of the entry doors.

New doors, between the foyer and sanctuary, with an inset glass design, were donated by a member in memory of a loved one. The new doors were a welcome addition as they eliminated noise from the old ones opening and closing.

Praise and honor belong to God as by His miraculous blessings these projects were paid for before the work was undertaken. When God’s people step out in faith desiring to honor Him, the blessings of heaven are poured out.

Denny Evans, former Salmon Church pastor, was invited to preach at a special service Nov. 14, 2015, and he presented an inspiring sermon on the church and its purpose. He began with the tabernacle in the wilderness, built because God desired to dwell among His people and reveal His plan of salvation more completely. Evans spoke also of Solomon’s temple, the rebuilt temple and the church today.

The true church is God’s people, not just a building. With prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes, it is evident He is coming soon to take His people home.

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Featured in: February 2016
