Women's Retreat Offers Glimpse of 'A Healthier You'

“A Healthier You,” the theme of Bristol Bay’s recent women’s retreat on Dec. 6, 2015, in Dillingham, provided a unique opportunity to meet the needs of women in southwest Alaska. As part of a community initiative dedicated to fostering improved health and wellness, the full-day retreat drew 29 women from several regional villages, including Dillingham, Ekwok, Togiak, Naknek and South Naknek.

Sponsored by the Dillingham Church and coordinated by Anita Alers, women’s ministries leader, and Howard Williams, pastor, this special event brought together congregational and community volunteers dedicated to advancing positive physical, emotional and spiritual health within their community. Among the numerous volunteers were health care professionals, local experts in women’s safety, attorneys, spiritual care leaders and those with talents in personal care. 

Theme colors of the event represented the attributes of royalty, wealth and uniqueness (purple) and purity (white) afforded to each woman of God.

After enjoying an elegant brunch, retreat attendees had the opportunity to participate in a variety of instructional seminars. Presentations incorporated a biblically based approach to health and focused on topics including victory over depression, diet and health, abuse, knowing your legal rights, and developing spiritual maturity.

An additional retreat highlight included individualized personal pampering services. Women were able to enjoy complimentary haircuts, facials and manicures. Based on positive feedback, planning has begun to make this an expanded, annual event next year.

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Featured in: February 2016
