Ground Broken at Livingstone

Ground has broken at Livingstone Adventist Academy as a new building project takes shape. Excavators, bulldozers and rollers are busy making noise and moving dirt and gravel.

The first building under construction will be an industrial arts building, where students will learn auto mechanics, woodworking and other hands-on technical skills.

That building will be finished before the next school year begins. The elementary school teachers and kids will use the entire facility during the year as the main part of the school is completed.

Students in various mathematics courses helped the project by applying their math knowledge to wood. They built a miniature model that approximates what the future school will look like. Quite a bit of time and effort went into creating the model that was on display for business meetings, planning meetings and alumni weekend. The model was built out of plywood, 2x4s, sandpaper, spray paint, cardboard and a variety of other things. The model showed the students have a very clear picture in their minds of what the school will look like and how excited they are to see it come together.

Livingstone teachers and staff feel tremendously blessed to have this project coming to the campus. It is an incredible way to shake things up. Just when you begin to feel like things are never changing, God sends this incredible blessing in and everything changes. It may be true that an exterior isn’t as important as the interior, but a school's exterior can have a big impact on everything inside. It has given our staff and faculty new energy to invest in the quality of our program and to capitalize on the powerful gift that God has brought us. They say that you should dress for success, and, by Livingstone’s standards, we are putting on our formal wear.

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Featured in: July 2016


Keith Bowman

Keith Bowman, Livingstone Adventist Academy chaplain and teacher