Team Terabyte Discovers Technical Success

It has been an amazing year for Team Terabyte from Omak Adventist Christian School in Omak, Wash. This is their third year working on a robot and challenge for First Lego League (FLL).

After purchasing a new EV3 Lego robot, we planned our project and programmed our robot, Evie. This year’s challenge theme was "Trash Trek." The team’s goal was to come up with a real-world problem related to trash and find a solution to fix it.

At our local landfill, we learned their most annoying problem: the pesky plastic bag. The team then came up with the idea of a vending machine that would take the sacks, vacuum press them and bundle them for recycling.

A cardboard prototype was constructed, and a skit was planned to promote its use. Local merchants and the county landfill staff were invited to the presentation. Those who came thought we had a great idea.

Team Terabyte participated in the Adventist Robotics League (ARL) regional tournament in April at Walla Walla Valley Academy in College Place, Wash. There they shared their project and took home a first place on it, with an invitation to the national competition held at California's Sacramento Adventist Academy in May.

Thanks to many generous sponsors, Team Terabyte was able to fly to Sacramento and bring home a second place for their project.

It has been an exciting learning experience for our small, one-room school. We look forward to more fun and learning with FLL, Adventist Robotic League and Evie.

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Featured in: July 2016
