Planned Giving, Trust Services

Fast Facts

$29 million in trusts and annuities are administered annually, representing nearly 300 charitable documents.

Distributed $8.8 million in benefits to donors and nearly $12.3 million to beneficiaries in the last five years to benefit family members, local conference ministries and other mission-driven organizations.

Membership support of the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Revolving Fund provided financing for 75 local church and school building projects.


The planned giving and trust services department cultivates, designs and facilitates gifts to further the work of the Adventist Church throughout the NPUC.


While NPUC provides specialized gift planning through charitable gift annuities, irrevocable trusts and donor-advised funds, our local conferences, schools and university are supported with matured gifts.

What’s Been Accomplished

ACCREDITATION — Maintained Level A accreditation for all Northwest local conference trust services departments by providing training and certification.

SEMINAR ASSISTANCE — Assisted local conferences in preparing and presenting financial and estate-planning seminars. 

TRUST MANAGEMENT — In cooperation with local conferences, managed trust and annuity documents.

REVOLVING FUND — Administered the Revolving Fund, which provides much-needed resources for facility advancement.

The Challenges Ahead

INSPIRATION — Provide inspiring stories and videos that illustrate the impact that planned gifts have on ministry throughout the NPUC territory and beyond.

DONOR RELATIONSHIPS — Continue outreach to meet the needs of project-based donors through planned giving opportunities.

APPRECIATION — Maintain positive donor relationships that confirm they are a part of our ministry and their gift plans are appreciated.

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Featured in: September 2016
