Sutherlin Holds Cooking School

A Healthy Living Cooking class was held in the Abundant Life Center of the Sutherlin Church on Sunday, July 31.

Mike Mallinson presented why the standard American diet is causing the obesity problem that has placed Douglas County, Ore., as the county numbered 30 out of 33 for the worst in health. 

Mallinson taught the listeners how to prepare meals in 10 minutes and gave recipes, shopping lists, menu guides and seasoning guides and made the class fun.

Charles Ross, a doctor who is part of the Umpqua Community Veg Education Group (UC VEG), and Mallinson are teaming up to change the health problem in Douglas County. Ross gives all the science behind what is wrong with our diets, while Mallinson teaches transition diets. UC VEG pulls it all together with community plant-based potlucks, health expos, speakers and special programs, a lending library, and outreach to local schools. 

Mallinson also presented a wide variety of samples and tasty dishes along with his lecture. There were more than 40 in attendance.

The next Healthy Living Cooking class is scheduled to be held Sunday, Oct. 23.

Eileen Mallinson, Sutherlin Church communication leader

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