Camp Polaris Benefits From 13th Sabbath Offering

“We just want a flush toilet.” Campers who attend Camp Polaris on Lake Aleknagik near Dillingham, Alaska, were actually heard when they made this simple request. Their request was a “shot heard around the world” through the avenue of the 13th Sabbath Offering, sponsored by the General Conference, and became Project Polaris.

Campers at Camp Polaris have been using outhouses (which were moved annually around the property) for more than 50 years. Next summer, thanks to all of you around the entire world, campers will enjoy the conveniences of modernity. You gave in generous proportions, and we even received enough to add showers and a sauna to each of the two facilities.

Along with your funding, volunteers showed up to put the materials together. They responded from California, Washington, Arizona, Montana, Alaska and as far away as Maine. The camp staff also pitched in, adding new skills to their growing repertoires. All together more than 100 workers young and old, skilled and unskilled, male and female, and of varied ethnic backgrounds added fine touches and heavy blows to create two new masterpieces “for the kids.”

The kids are excited. Although the first rose-petal flush won’t happen until next May, they are making their plans to be there with their friends. Many of them don’t have showers in their own homes, and they have exclaimed they are looking forward to going to camp to take a shower. What seems simple to us is a resort-style luxury to them, and thanks to you they can feel cleaner as they move a little closer to heaven and Jesus. Feel free to come use the facility sometime ... though you might want to call ahead.

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Featured in: November 2016
