Image Credit: Ben Pflugrad

Students Get Involved in Kalispell

Valley Adventist Christian School has adopted 2 miles of highway just south of Kalispell, Montana. This project has been a mission activity of the students for several years. Each year brings various levels of enthusiasm, but this fall the school's six students really did a great job.

The Department of Transportation supplies safety vests, trash bags and two safety signs each time we go out to pick up litter. They also pick up the full bags we leave along the highway. “Kalispell Adventist School” is posted on the Adopt-A-Highway sign at each end of the 2 miles of highway. It tells people that our school is involved in the community. 

Usually we have a couple of adult volunteers to help with transportation and supervision. Pastor Casey Higgins, Valerie Middleton and Trixie Neugebauer have all been a big help by sharing these responsibilities. This fall, students went out three times, and the Kalispell and Columbia Falls churches worked one Sunday morning as well. At least 37 bags were gathered all together in the 2-mile stretch of highway.

As students work in this mission activity, they are often able to help in another type of mission work. God blessed His work this fall with a $100 bill and then a $5 bill, which were found in the grass along the highway. When any money is found, we always add it to our Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) projects at school to help God’s children around the world.

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Featured in: January 2017
