UCA Students Learn by Digging Potatoes

Fred Riffel’s Upper Columbia Academy Bible class went to the field by the school to dig potatoes on Oct. 4, 2016. It was a cold morning. But in spite of cold hands and dirty fingers, the different classes worked hard at digging out the sometimes stubborn potatoes.

The potatoes came in all different sizes, with the majority of them being small and sometimes very insignificant. As the students worked on pulling them out, there was probably more than one person who thought, “Why are we digging out the small potatoes?” Riffel reminded everyone the small potatoes could feed a lot of people. He also told them to think of spiritual lessons to be gained from the work of pulling out the potatoes.

The students learned several of these lessons. Many of the potatoes seemed small and insignificant, just like people seem when compared to the universe. Yet God cared so much about His children He came to Earth to die for us even though we are so insignificant — as insignificant as those tiny potatoes.                   

Another lesson students gleaned from digging potatoes is that no one is worthless. Just like the small potatoes are useful for something, so are God's children. He has never made anyone worthless.

A third lesson is to avoid viewing people as worthless on the outside, just as a potato plant looks like a worthless weed above ground. But underground, the plant is producing lovely potatoes. It's the same with people. When you dig beyond the surface, you may find good fruit inside.

Beyond the physical benefit of hard work in the fresh air, Riffel's students learned some very good lessons. And they picked a whole lot of potatoes.

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Featured in: January 2017
