NPUC President Calls for Special Prayer

John Freedman, North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) president, has called for Northwest prayer teams to set aside Jan. 18 and 19 as days of fasting and prayer. The purpose: to ask for the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance during an upcoming meeting on Thursday, Jan. 19, of North American Division union conference presidents and General Conference leaders to seek progress and find understanding on the volatile issue of world church “unity in mission.”

In preparation for that meeting, Freedman has sent the following statement along with further instructions to prayer team leaders in each local conference throughout the NPUC:

“Since the Holy Spirit is poured out in answer to sincere and urgent prayer, now is the time to activate our prayers teams across the NPUC to pray for an anointing of the Holy Spirit to fall on everyone involved on the 19th. Only the Holy Spirit is able to bring about true unity in the church. Only the Holy Spirit will be able to make the meeting on the 19th productive and successful. Dwight Nelson shared with me the other day, ‘God already has the solution in mind for this logjam. And the Holy Spirit is the only One who can lead us to it.’ Very true!”

Freedman welcomes the prayers of each Northwest church member toward this end. More information following the Jan. 19 meeting will be provided when available through GleanerWeekly and social media channels.

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