Montana Welcomes New Outreach, Youth Rush Leader

Carsten Moutray is the new outreach coordinator and Youth Rush director for the Montana Conference. He studied at SOULS (Seventh-day Adventist Outreach and Leadership School) West as a Bible worker and Youth Rush leader.

After his studies, Moutray worked with SOULS Northwest for two years as the industry director and has traveled all across the North Pacific Union Conference doing literature evangelism, including in areas of Montana. Moutray is passionate about evangelism and is excited to serve and see what God has in store for the literature work in the Montana Conference.

 What Is Youth Rush?

Youth Rush is a summer literature evangelism program. Students work Sunday through Thursday for 10 weeks during the summer. After breakfast, worship and training, they hit the streets, going door to door offering people books on a donation basis and free community services. These books will nurture and challenge the people physically, mentally and spiritually.

Teams go out together, each with their own trained leader. On days off they relax, do laundry and have fun. Sabbaths are for resting with God and sharing experiences with the local church. Youth Rush is a spiritual and life-changing experience. Meeting people at their homes gives these missionaries incredible opportunities to touch lives.

For more information and to apply for this experience, visit

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Featured in: March 2017
