Anchorage Spanish Church Experiences Powerful Year

The Spanish congregation in Anchorage, Alaska, can look back on the year 2016 with a deep sense of gratitude for what can only be described as a year of unprecedented and unexpected blessings. A number of providential occurrences allowed members to experience a faint idea of what it means for God to do “exceedingly, abundantly above” our loftiest aspirations.

The growing Hispanic population in Anchorage has, for a number of years, prompted the Anchorage Spanish Church to pray for God’s special blessing in bringing new members to the church. God had been answering those prayers consistently, but the year 2016 would see Him answering that prayer in ways that no one expected.

The first wave of blessing came in March 2016 when the pastor and leaders of the church decided that the time was right to host a week of revival meetings that would help to set the right spiritual tone for the rest of the year. Consequently evangelist Luis Mota was brought in from Puerto Rico to conduct the meetings.

What a memorable week of spiritual rejuvenation it was. The messages helped in reaffirming the faith of many of the members.

But the Lord had more in store. At the end of the series on the final Sabbath, much to the surprise of all who were there to witness it, 12 individuals came forward for baptism.

Under certain circumstances, church members would relax their efforts while basking in this unexpected blessing, but not these members. Acutely aware of the urgency of the hour, and taking note of the large number of visitors who indicated their interest in surrendering their lives to Christ soon, the church immediately began to make plans for another reaping series later in the year.

Those plans came to fruition in September when Inmer Zorilla visited the Anchorage Spanish Church for a week of evangelistic meetings. Again it was a week of many miracles, at the end of which 15 people were baptized, bringing the total number of new members to 27 for the year. This could be the result of nothing less than the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit.

As if the preceding was not enough, God also led this praying church to a lovely property that will be the new home for the Anchorage Spanish Church. A deal has been agreed for the church to purchase this piece of land. Prayers are continuing so God will open the door for them to start building in the near future.

Without a doubt, 2016 was a remarkable year for the Anchorage Spanish Church, and its members are praising God.

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Featured in: April 2017
