Oregon Conference Executive Committee Votes to Fill Roles, Restructure Department

On April 27, in a follow-up to the transition of Dan Linrud from the position of assistant to the president to that of Oregon Conference president, the Oregon Conference executive committee voted the following appointments and department restructuring:

Executive Committee Appoints New Assistant to the President

During its session on April 27, 2017, the Oregon Conference executive committee voted to appoint Stan Beerman to serve as assistant to the president, filling the role vacated by Linrud when he transitioned into the role of president. Beerman has served many years as a pastor in the Northwest, including in the Oregon Conference, as well as serving in the Oregon Conference headquarters as family ministries director and then ministerial director. He is now taking up his new responsibilities assisting the administrative team and helping with pastoral placement in churches. 

Executive Committee Appoints New Ministerial Director

Also during the April 27 meeting, Oregon Conference executive committee voted to appoint Charles "Chuck" Burkeen to serve as ministerial director. Burkeen has served many years as a pastor in the Oregon Conference, as well as serving in the Oregon Conference headquarters as the member ministries director, leading a team working with pastors and members in outreach and relational ministries. Burkeen will now take up his new responsibilities working with pastors in this new capacity as a coach and facilitator, helping pastors be the best they can be. 

Executive Committee Votes to Restructure the Member Ministries Department

Finally during the April 27 meeting, the executive committee voted to restructure the member ministries department into two separate departments: outreach department and relational ministries department. While these areas have been incorporated in the member ministries department and served by an director and associate director, it is believed that more specific focus may be given to each of these important aspects by separating them and having a director lead each area. Watch for more details as this restructure takes place.

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Featured in: June 2017