Spring Brings Week of Prayer to Cascade Christian Academy

Each spring the students at Cascade Christian Academy in Wenatchee, Wash., look forward to week of prayer, especially because the high school class and student association chaplains choose the theme and are the speakers. This year’s theme, “God Is Our Lives,” used the first part of John 15:4 (“Live in Me, and I will live in you”) as the theme Scripture and Rend Collective’s “More Than Conquerors” as the theme song.  

This year’s speakers included McKenzie Tall, a senior; Ally Stonas, a junior; Alberto Ornelas, a junior; Kasey Bais, a junior; and Trista Bais, a freshman. Springboarding off the main theme, the students developed sermons about how they have experienced God’s presence and guidance and have witnessed how He works behind the scenes in their everyday lives.

The students also added skits and special music to the chapel services to support their theme. The chaplains’ efforts during the week were well-received and were a real blessing, making a perfect segue into the weekend’s spiritual retreat at Camp Zanika on Lake Wenatchee. This year 28 high school students and sponsors enjoyed a weekend of worship, reflection and bonding as a culmination of the week of prayer.

During the same week, the kindergarten through fifth-grade students and teachers also enjoyed their week of prayer each morning with the theme “The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” Each class carried a banner of a tribe of Israel as they marched down to the church to sing and listen to Your Story Hour's Uncle Dan and Aunt Sue versions of Old Testament stories regarding God’s involvement in the lives of His people then and now. The lesson learned: As spiritual Israel we too can obey God’s commands and allow Him to lead us to the Promised Land, the kingdom of heaven. What a blessing to be able to teach our young people to depend on God and to be leaders for Christ in these times.

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Featured in: August 2017
