Primary Class Sends 100 Bibles to Adventist World Radio

Several months ago, I contacted Adventist World Radio (AWR), which for years has touched so many lives who may never have heard the Three Angels' Messages or the good news of the gospel in any other way.

The AWR stories and mission emphasis were shared with our primary class at Nampa (Idaho) Church, and it was decided that our class mission project would be to raise money for AWR's "Project #19: Bibles and Study Materials: The Gift of Eternal Life." We read the story recorded by Arthur White about the little child who sent a dime to Australia in response to an appeal by Ellen White for missions at that time. She wrote a wonderful letter to that child in appreciation and shared how much that small amount meant to Jesus.

Each student was asked to pray about this mission project with their parents and to ask God to show them what they could do to raise the money, however small. We also informed our congregation about what the children were doing and asked for their support by donating $10 for each Bible. It has been a thrill to see the results! We had no idea what type of goal to set, so we started with a goal of $500 (50 Bibles). After surpassing that goal, and another, we now have a goal of $1,500 (150 Bibles). We make paper Bibles, each representing $10, and posts them on our wall.

Recently, we sent a check to AWR for $1,000 (100 Bibles). We are going to continue this project through the end of the summer; any funds collected at the conclusion of the project will be forwarded as well.

We are praising God that the children are involved in blessing others and doing something for Jesus that is so tangible and exciting.

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Featured in: November 2017
