ACN Schedules Young Video Producers’ Festival

Adventist Communication Network (ACN) has announced creation of SONscreen Film Festival, an event that will give recognition to talented, young (29 years and younger) Christian video producers.

The SONscreen Film Festival this year is being scheduled simultaneously with the Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) Convention, to be held Oct. 10-13 in Ontario, Calif. Awards totaling up to $6,000 in cash will be presented, including separate prizes for excellence in Film, Audio, and Graphics.

There is no cost requirement or registration fee associated with submitting works to the Festival. ACN encourages all up-and-coming young Christian producers from elementary school to university to participate.

More information is available at the ACN Web site,, or by phoning 800-ACN-1119. Information is also available in the Communication departments of Adventist colleges and universities. •

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Featured in: October 2002
