Busy in Bethel

Members of the small Bethel, Alaska, Church rejoiced this summer as a traveling team of builders and a separate entourage of vacation Bible school leaders achieved outstanding results in the Bethel District.

Seven volunteer builders from Canada and Washington brought the Bethel church building up to fire code standards and added new paint, carpet, windows, doors, a handicap ramp, and a deck.

Grateful Bethel Church members are shown with builders Andrew Phare, Ed and Cheryl Dunn, Earl Huber, Ben Kwiram, and Jack and Doug Penner.

Also shown are Alicia LaBaron, Joanna Cowles, Diane Cowles, Jonathon Cowles, and Naomi Cowles, who conducted a highly successful vacation Bible school program in Bethel, attracting 55 children at the height of the fishing season. •

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Featured in: November 2002
