UCA Weekend Focuses on Parents’ Needs

More than 250 parents from 10 states recently came to Upper Columbia Academy for Parent Weekend. While enjoying time with their children and friends, the parents also appreciated a variety of special programs.

Hispanic child preaching prodigy Noé Ortiz, Jr., of Chehalis, Wash., spoke for church. Donna Evans, former UCA faculty member, provided English-language interpretation.

Sabbath afternoon seminars addressed topics of special concern to parents, including music and last-day events.

An evening buffet and forum gave parents a chance to interact as a group with UCA administrators. Parent-teacher conferences and a financial aid worship with Walla Walla College also figured in the weekend’s program.

“Parents expressed deep appreciation and strong support for Christian education,” reports Ron Turner, weekend organizer.

“Thank-you for loving our kids!” and “Keep lifting up Christ before our young people” were typical visitors’ comments.

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Featured in: December 2002
