Prayerful Fifth-grader Writes Top Essay

Yakima Adventist Christian School’s Spring Week of Spiritual Emphasis was led by students in grades 7-10, who shared their personal Christian experiences and led song services.

As part of the program, students in grades 4-10 were asked to write essays on “What Prayer Means to Me.”

Each was submitted to the Yakima Valley “National Day of Prayer” competition.

Courtney Balmes’ essay placed first among all fifth-graders, winning a certificate and recognition at the National Day of Prayer assembly at Sarg Hubbard Park in Yakima.

Her winning essay reads: “To me, prayer means a special time alone to talk and be with God. Prayer is a time for our problems to be discussed. Time to ask for guidance through the rest of our lives. It’s a time set aside from our everyday rush. Prayer is a time to confess our sins and our problems. A time when you’re able to open up, share your emotions and feelings. Time when you can pray for someone or something besides your own self. To me, prayer is a word that means your own devotional service and your own spiritual communion with God.” •

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Featured in: August 2002


Susan Bailey

Yakima Adventist Christian School administrative assistant