Walla Walla College Now More Than Ever

As I attended the moving inauguration service last month for Jon Dybdahl as our new Walla Walla College president, I thought about a different gathering I had taken part in just a few months before.

In that meeting, North Pacific Union Conference and local conference administrators discussed some of the significant challenges facing the Church in the Northwest and beyond.

That meeting also gave us an opportunity to get better acquainted with Dr. Dybdahl and confirmed our belief that God has guided his selection as president.

He brings a unique and energizing blend of mission experience, teaching, and college administration. His love for the Lord and His Church are readily discernable.

Dybdahl gave an encouraging report on enrollment and then asked Church leaders to join him in praying for the College as it faces various significant challenges.

Specifically, he asked us to pray that God would give the school success as a truly Adventist Christian college and, second, that God would help it achieve its goal of academic excellence. Finally, he asked us to pray that God would bless the faculty and staff.

As Church administrators, we resonated with those simple requests. To hear the president of Walla Walla College share these desires of his heart then, once again in his recent inaugural address, and now in his interview in the pages of this GLEANER, makes us want to support our College even more.

I accept President Dybdahl’s challenge. And I invite you to join me in praying for the success of our College. Walla Walla College has a rich heritage. With our prayer support it has the potential for an equally brilliant future.

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Featured in: January 2003



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