Sandy Church Joins the Sandy Mountain Parade, Festival

On July 12, 2018, the Sandy (Ore.) Church continued its tradition of participating in the Sandy Mountain Parade. The church entered the parade with a float portraying the church's mission project to help the people of Haiti by constructing homes for families displaced by a massive earthquake in 2010 and Hurricane Matthew in 2016. The float constructed on a flatbed trailer showed church members building with cement blocks to replace a homemade lean-to. The members look forward each year to being a part of this parade that is an important part of their community.

The church family also provided a booth at the Sandy Mountain Festival, July 14 and 15. The church's "Pee Wee Pit Stop" is a popular booth for moms who want to feed their baby privately in the comfort of a rocking chair. The booth also included two stations for moms and dads to comfortably change a child's diapers, with all supplies provided for them. Parents have stated how helpful it is to have a nice clean place to change their baby's diapers. And moms appreciate having a place to feed their little ones.

Sandy Church is continually looking for ways they can engage with their community to share Jesus love. These were two opportunities they have found. The busy summer of 2018 also included Vacation Bible School Aug. 6–10 for children of all ages. Members are also planning a free dental clinic at the church on Oct. 28, 2018, in partnership with Caring Hands Worldwide. In addition, they host quarterly Northwest Veg potlucks and presentations that bring people from their community to their church. They are looking forward to other opportunities the Lord brings their way to engage with their community and ultimately showing them Jesus' love.

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Featured in: September 2018
