NPUC Affirms Strategic Priorities

North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive committee members affirmed an updated union-wide strategic plan during their Aug. 22, 2018, meeting in Ridgefield, Wash. This plan also serves as a catalyst for a continuing emphasis on young adult engagement through the Growing Young cohort project.

With an overall mission to “reach all people within the North Pacific Union and the world with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness,” the committee approved five strategic priorities and five core values.

Strategic Priorities

  • Young adult engagement
  • Growing together in Christ
  • Total member involvement in mission
  • Leadership development
  • Growing healthy churches and schools

Core Values

  • Integrity and Authenticity: We will be honest and accountable in everything we do.
  • Excellence: We will do our very best in all things.
  • Love, Respect and Inclusion: We recognize the inestimable value of every person as a child of God.
  • Collaboration: We believe by communicating and working together we will accomplish more.
  • Growth in Christ: We will foster a culture of discipleship.

The theme or motto for the union is “Moving Forward Together," to emphasize an efficient harmony of individual efforts. While each local conference, church and school has unique approach to mission, all benefit if each entity pulls together in the same general direction toward a common purpose.

In another significant action, the committee affirmed the Growing Young cohort project. Ben Lundquist, Oregon Conference young adult director, has also directed this unique NPUC-wide initiative. During the past year, 10 churches throughout the Northwest have piloted the project to learn how reach, love and empower younger generations while engaging them with the mission of Jesus. Positive growth indicators from the first stage (which will be shared later in greater detail in print and online through the Gleaner) encouraged the executive committee to approve additional resources toward another year of collaboration for the original core churches. This Growing Young 2.0 journey will also train a team of Adventist leaders from these churches to serve as project coaches for a new round of cohort churches.

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