Young People Involved in Sonmer Ministries

Three young people from the Pendleton district were involved in Sonmer Ministries this summer. Sonmer (a fusion of "Son" and "summer") workers Shakina Colcord, Joe Radelfinger and Nathan Shaw grew in maturity and knowledge during their school break.

In June they helped in the junior department at Walla Walla Camp Meeting. They participated in and led Vacation Bible Schools in the Blue Mountain Valley, Mission Native American, Pendleton and Pilot Rock churches. They delighted the children with their example of how to praise God with songs and learn about the Bible with the SCUBA (Super Cool Underwater Bible Adventures) theme.

They had a door-to-door prayer ministry that helped them overcome their fear of knocking on doors and talking to strangers about having prayer for them. They held three car washes to earn money for their school tuition for the coming year. In August a celebration was held at Pendleton's Roy Raley Park to invite park visitors to sing praises to God and hear a short talk by Radelfinger.

And their youthful exuberance was felt at Pendleton district's church retreat at Westminster Woods with songs and skits. A backpack trip to Lost Lake rounded out the summer.

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Featured in: October 2003