Libby Youth Writes Column in Church Newsletter

The Libby (Mont.) Church has a small congregation but is blessed with a large percentage of children. Four years and older, these children are active in helping to make the church services more enjoyable, including providing special music, scripture readings and the children’s story and serving as junior deacons.

One young lady, Melissa Moots, writes a devotional almost every week for our bulletin. Below is a sample.

by Melissa Moots, 15

by Melissa Moots, 15

Lately I have been given an incredible gift. I have been able to share little messages about Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him with other people. I never knew I had it in me. I have truly given my life to Jesus. And this is one of the things that He gave to me. Before this, I had never been able to write anything that ever made any sense.

I know I have something incredible in me that God wants me to share. This also means that you have something to uncover or something to share with many other people about Jesus Christ. Be sure to let your Christian side show through or else you may be doing something for the devil and that is not very pleasant. God has put something in you that nobody else has, and it is your responsibility to make it shine through. Be sure to spread the news about Him with others as much as your capability lets you even if this means changing your decision about your life.

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Featured in: December 2003
