Ridge Dell Moves Forward in Faith

The Ridge Dell (Wash.) Church was built more than 20 years ago on the northern edge of Vancouver with hopes and plans for a real sanctuary to be completed during a second phase of construction. Increased attendance now dictates the need for more classrooms and a more functional sanctuary, so the church, in business session, voted to step out in faith to build the sanctuary, with God as their partner to perform the miracles needed.

Church members, the building committee and several charter members gathered on July 22 for the groundbreaking. Since that time the excavation has been completed, the foundation poured and the floor of the classrooms poured.

The church is continually looking for individuals of any trade who might be interested in donating their talent, time and prayers to this project. Do you need a blessing? God’s blessings always outweigh man’s investment.

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Featured in: December 2003
