Sunnyside Holds Night of Wonder, Night of Joy

The Dec. 22, 2018, worship service at the Sunnyside Church in Portland, Ore., consisted of the Christmas musical Night of Wonder, Night of Joy by Ruth Elaine Schram. The musical presentation celebrates the wondrous miracles surrounding the birth of the Savior and captures the spirit of the season. Additional features of the service were several traditional Christmas carols and the lighting of the fourth Advent candle, representing love. Previous Advent candles were hope, joy and peace.

Participants included: Matt Mandrones, director, producer and orchestra prep; Polly Moody, choir prep and Mary’s solo; Dave Allen and Reinette Wildman, narrators; and more than 80 actors, musicians and singers including Lyuda Siminel as Mary and Jonathan Caministeanu as Joseph. Curly the camel, with guidance from his handler, cruised through the sanctuary, stopping briefly up front for pictures by his many admirers. Curly and several other appropriate animals in a petting zoo out front of the church.

It was an impressive and inspiring celebration of the greatest gift ever — baby Jesus. Remember what the angel Gabriel said to Joseph: “She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21, ESV).

Sunnyside Church was standing-room only with more than 600 people crowded into the sanctuary, all of whom were greatly blessed.

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